Swedish Armed Forces.What if ...
We live in turbulent times and we are experiencing a war in Europe that forces Swedes to re-think regarding preparedness and resilience.
During the Cold War, Sweden's preparedness was at its highest, but as the threat level decreased, so did the public's awareness of war and preparedness. In today's society, where war can become a reality, it is crucial to raise awareness again. What if … is a mobile exhibition produced on behalf of Försvarsmakten, Statens försvarshistoriska museer och Säkerhets- och försvarsföretagen, with the aim of raising awareness of preparedness. The exhibition's target audience was young adults, where a unique and strong experience in needed in order to engage. By staging a grenade attack in a familiar environment such as a student room, we created a direct connection to the impact of war on individuals everyday lives. The exhibition consists of two parts: an experiential part in a container that represents a student room during a grenade attack, and an interactive part that deals with Sweden's defense history. This combination of realism and interactivity allows visitors not only to see but also to feel the consequences of war. Every element, from the decor of the student room to the explosion and the use of the remains in the container, was carefully thought out to maximize the emotional impact. What if … is on its way through Sweden and is expected to be on tour throughout 2024. Awards & Nominations: Spinn awards, Gyllene Hjulet.Less -

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